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visited some Mega-Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal churches in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Chile, South Africa, Panama and Korea, and Canada. This background has been useful in understanding and having a wider framework regarding what is occurring in the bosom of the NPCs in Guatemala in relation to global Charismatism.\u000AThe visits to these churches provided the researcher with a global perspective about Neo-Pentecostalism, while at the same time they helped him to distinguish the distinctive characteristics of these Guatemalan churches. He was interested in observing the chorus of beliefs which are to be found in these churches in spite of contextual, cultural, political, racial or geographic differences. Among these can be found the centrality of the work of the Holy Spirit to whom they attribute the revival in today\u2019s world. Round these core beliefs can be found aspects related to leadership, mission, and the way to administer the church, among others. In other words, this phenomenon surges in the context of disillusion with modernity and the search for alternative answers in the context of post-modernity. Some examples of this will be given later.\u000AI. GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE THESIS\u000AThe first chapter has to do with the introduction of the subject under study, planting the hypothesis, and the matters relating to methodology.\u000AChapter two presents a profile of the NPCs based on interviews from the pastors and members. This fact is essential as it permits opinions to be given by the pastors and lay people, not only as informants, but also as agents of their history and how their churches are inserted into Guatemalan society. Karla Poewe points out the need to make adjustments with respect to the approach of the researcher to the subjects studied in order to understand them better where they are (1994:169).\u000A40\u000A