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1. Sociological composition\u000AOne of the differences of Guatemalan NEOP with the rest of the Central American churches of the region is their social composition. In general terms these churches are to be found within the middle and high-classes. Of the churches analyzed the ESH, ICV and FCG have a more middle and high class population. Professionals, university students, business men (generally with a middle sized company), military personnel, some politicians who have recently been converted and wealthy families can be found among the members.38\u000AAlso a middle and higher middle class population can be observed in some NPCs and other churches in the capital cities of the Central American isthmus and the Caribbean: For example, the \u2018Amor Viviente\u2019 church in Honduras, \u2018Oasis de Esperanza\u2019, \u2018Centro Cristiano\u2019, \u2018Ciudad de Dios\u2019, \u2018Vida Abundante\u2019 in Costa Rica, the \u2018Iglesias de la Amistad\u2019 and \u2018Castillo del Rey\u2019 in M\u00E9xico City and Monterrey, the \u2018Iglesia Fuente de Agua Viva\u2019 Carolina, in Puerto Rico, are all to be found in residential zones.\u000AOther churches are to be found in middle class or working class areas. Although there are more upper and middle class members in the NPCs, this is not exclusively so. There are other churches linked to historic missions or independent churches that also have a middle class population.39 More details about this will be discussed fully in Chapter five where some testimonies of the NPL will be shared illustrating the possibility of improving economic and social mobility.\u000AThe LDG church has a population of working class people and poor families. The IFD church is composed of members from the middle and working classes and the poor. The IVF church has middle and working class people in its membership. The LDG membership comes from the popular zones of the city. Their population according to the\u000A38 For example the Arimany family belongs to and actively participates in the ESH church.\u000A39 The Lutheran churches \u2018Cristo Rey\u2019, \u2018Centro B\u00EDblico el Camino\u2019 and the Presbyterian Church \u2018el Divino Salvador\u2019, are examples of this type of church. Some active members of \u2018Centro B\u00EDblico el Camino\u2019 have participated as government functionaries during the last decade. This church was founded by some people related with the Central American Mission.\u000A82\u000A