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the future, human spiritual and emotional needs will receive more attention than reason and the scientific method (Cited by In Sik Hong 2001: 34-35).41\u000AWorship in the context of the NPCs permits the believers to centre on the person of God without the need of mediators. It is a personal encounter with God and his presence in order to be blessed and empowered through the Holy Spirit.42 This experience in the NPCs becomes a profound existential and subjective experience between the worshipper and God. What is observed is the potential of the Neo-Pentecostal liturgy as an empowering factor. As an ideological factor it could channel the human potential of these churches to get involved in a more integral way within and outside of their communities.\u000AThe stage design, the light and choreographed dances form a part of the Neo- Pentecostal worship which attracts a lot of young people who are looking for a very personal experience within the framework of post-modernity. This current of ideas in the academic field as well as in popular experience appears to be a reaction to modernity. The belief on the natural goodness of man, human progression, science as an unlimited resource of knowledge and global utopias has been seriously questioned (Cavalcanti 2002: 176-77). It seems that the NPCs who do not reject modernity are providing experience over doctrine which is attractive to the post-modern generation. In Sik Hong emphases that in spite of the limitations and negative implication for \u2018the Neo-Charismatic model responds, in some measure, to the demands of the post modern challenge (2001: 42, 129). From a similar angle, Miller & Yamamori suggest that the NPCs are in better condition to reach the new generations in the new post-modern world because they have found that the Pentecostal experience is transformative (2007: 217-8). The theme needs to be treated\u000A41This author and others analyze and criticize openly both forms of religiosity in the context of post- modernity. See the book Etica y Religiosidad en tiempos posmodernos. In Sik Hong et al. Buenos Aires: Fraternidad Teol\u00F3gica Latinoamericana No. 12: Ediciones Kairos (2001).\u000A42According to Dinorah M\u00E9ndez in the context of Evangelical worship, every thing revolves around the fact that God is the central truth. In her doctoral thesis she analyzes in detail the significance, content and implications of worship in the context of the local church. See chapter three in \u2018Analysis of the Theological Content in the Hymnody used by Evangelicals in Mexico in Relation to the Mexican Religious Content\u2019 PhD thesis Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/University of Wales. Paul Zahl et. al. (eds.) Discuss the value of hymnology and worship in Evangelical churches and the new forms of worship of the charismatic world Exploring the Worship Spectrum 6 Views Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004. D. A Carson provides an extensive panorama of the different expressions of worship of Protestantism In Adoration and Action Grand Rapids: Book House, 1993.\u000A84\u000A    

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