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apart as it is not the object of this present thesis.43 Won Suk Ma points out that \u2018Postmodernism is particularly appealing to Pentecostals because it provided legitimacy for their intuitive reading of Scripture\u2019 (1999: 63). Then, he underlines,\u000AAt the same time, the spiritual challenge also exists within the Pentecostal movement itself. Developing a spirituality rooted in God\u2019s word found in Scripture and nurtured by the Holy Spirit is greatly needed if Pentecostals are going to successfully negotiate effective ministry in a Post-modern world. Such biblically-based spirituality will empower Pentecostal to address the issues of the institutionalization of Pentecostalism, the engagement of Pentecostal social concern, the inclusion of women in Pentecostal ministry, the continued vibrancy of the church\u2019s global mission, the necessity of racial reconciliation, and the renewal of the vision held by early Pentecostal pioneers for a healthy ecumenical relationship with other Christian\u2019 (1999: 63-64).\u000AWon Suk Ma\u2019s requirement for the Pentecostals is also important for the NPCs. The emphasis on subjectivity of the Christian experience rescues a fundamental part of the Christian life, but it also brings with it the danger of putting experience before the rationality of the faith and the scriptures.\u000AThose churches divide their liturgy in two sections times for \u2018praise and worship\u2019. The first includes space for joyful songs, rejoicing and jubilation. Those present are free to lift their hands in the air, kneel down on the floor, cry and even dance. The second stage songs are sung which induce the worshiper to have a more subjective experience of their faith. In these churches the time of praise and worship lasts an hour as does also the sermon. In some cases the pastors finish their sermon with a time for prayer and asking the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of the faithful for those who go forward to the altar to ask for help for diverse personal motives. What the researcher was able to observe was that the worship experience became a key element of the service. Many who had been touched by the God\u2019s presence were filled of joy and committed themselves to love and serve God.\u000AOf course, the liturgy is not uniform in these churches. In the working class churches the service is more spontaneous with regard worship and expression of the charismas. Although there is an order of service the faithful jump and dance in their seats or even do it in front of the altar. There is always speaking in tongues and prophecy in\u000A43 Campell emphasises that it is difficult to see how religion with its clear commitment to absolute truths could be postmodern. On the other hand it is obvious that many contemporary religions or at least spiritual movements really manifest the characteristics marks of postmodernism (2006: 317).\u000A 85\u000A