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CHAPTER III NEO-PENTECOSTAL SOCIAL MINISTRIES\u000AThe present chapter continues the analysis of the profile of the NPCs concentrating on the ideas they have with respect to their perceived roles in society and the social programmes they develop. A panoramic view will be presented of the social vision which can be deduced from Neo-Pentecostal thinking in the Guatemalan context. In later chapters there will be a more detailed analysis of these aspects of the thinking and social role of the Neo- Pentecostal leaders and laity.\u000AA. NEO-PENTECOSTAL PARTICIPATION IN SOCIETY\u000AHow do the NPL perceive their social role and presence in society? Do they take on the world and its challenges or do they retract from them? Guatemalan NPL is very active in their world. Rather than passing their dreams and hopes to the future they face their present world and live out their lives with enthusiasm. In dialogue interviews the researcher did not hear complaints neither did he perceive any signs of desperation about the critical situation of the country. Their identification in Christ, their belief in the promises and power of the bible, and their belief that God is in control of everything, among others, is the foundation of this confidence.\u000AFor them the world could be chaotic but God is not. In one case, a pastor exhorted his members not to emigrate to the United States. He told them \u2018the God who blesses there [USA] is also here in Guatemala\u2019 (P3EHS). They face life\u2019s challenges with an optimistic vision, and a good number of them serve in the local church\u2019s projects. A portrait of how they see themselves will be presented.\u000A1. Citizens of the World\u000AThe Neo-Pentecostals are occupied in the present world of the Kingdom. They have got involved in different aspects of the human activities as citizens of society. The ICV church\u000A117\u000A

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