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leaders say that Christians should be present in whole of society. For them the \u2018Kingdom of God should be manifested in everything we do and in all aspects of human culture\u2019 (P1ICV). Because of this they affirm that they have had influence in politics, education, and in the instruction in the world of commerce.\u000AThey consider that churches should equip their members for the work of ministry and so that they can have influence in the \u2018world\u2019 (the society) not just in the life of the church (P1ICV). This acceptance of the \u2018here\u2019 and \u2018now\u2019 shows an open attitude, especially of the lay people of the middle and higher classes, to get involved in the social, economic and political life of society around them.\u000AEven though their projects have more to do with their own need some are beginning to get involved in service projects for others. One example of this can be seen in the experience of an entrepreneur, the manager the of the Banco de los Trabajadores, who with other Christian professionals founded a bank whose objectives favour their partners and through which missionary projects of local churches were financed though the tenth part of the entity. One of the founding partners expressed that they now have enough initial capital and soon will be able to start operating for the public.\u000AThe FCG founding pastor says that his church was established as \u2018a new congregation which could break all of traditional plans, a church which would leave for ever the mentality that the Christian should be poor, ignorant and without any influence in society\u2019 (P2FCG). This Pastor says that he encourages his members to be prosperous people who function as salt and light in the world. The Minister for Public Health was a member of this church in the year that interviews were carried out (P2FCG). It is possible to say that the Evangelicals have passed from a certain self-exclusion to a wide open relationship with society. According the ESH senior pastor the Evangelical revival has to bring with it social impact. This implies that both individuals and churches get involved in their worlds to seek for spiritual and social transformation (Caballeros 2002b: vi). So it seems natural for the Neo-Pentecostals to become immersed in the world of politics, the\u000A118\u000A