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these Neo-Pentecostal were already in the middle and upper classes when they converted\u2019 (1993: 6).\u000AFor the NPL ideas on economic improvements do not just help them with their economic situation, but also gives the orientation about how to give to others. One of the entrepreneurs said, \u2018the courses on finances and the book Transforming Nations taught me to give because the one who lends to the poor lends to God. They have freed me from dependence on money and have helped me to be just with the personnel so that they can grow as people\u2019 (L4ESH). A system Engineer expressed \u2018I have learned how to handle to finances and investments, be integral, work hard, and about social responsibility\u2019, and later he added, \u2018they have helped me to expand my companies, to save, and to give\u2019 (L2ESH). Hard work and values go hand in hand. An Industrial Mechanic indicated that they taught him \u2018to change the form of thinking to one more based on biblical principles, to change the way he acts and to live according to the wisdom that comes above\u2019. He emphasized that \u2018people do not only need money, but thoughts, knowledge and an attitude open to change. I have changed in how I work, how I use money, and how I help others\u2019 (L2IFCG). It is interesting to observe how the NPL interweave in their comments an ethic of work that does not look for the accumulation of capital necessarily as Weber underscored.\u000AGooren in his study on small entrepreneurs in three congregations of the Mormon, Neo-Pentecostal and Catholic churches in a poor zone in Guatemala observed a similar phenomenon. He found a relation of causality between certain ethical values and economic development. He says that the influence of the church in the development of its businesses was indirect. It came about by means of the networks of support, the preaching of the church on poverty and wealth, values and norms that the church demands, and by the allocations and obligations to pay tithes. He emphasizes that the \u2018Entrepreneur in both churches (Neo-Pentecostal and Mormon) strives to apply gospel principle to their work, and to do it well\u2019 (1999: 219, 221).\u000A 314\u000A

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