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3. Prosperity Theology\u000AThe study shows that the NPCs promote the idea of economic improvement in the context of prosperity theology. Pastors and preachers at a local and international level promote prosperity and finances as a symbol of God\u2019s blessing and faith in action. Gifford (2004) in his study of the charismatic churches in Ghana states that these churches adopted the prosperity gospel from the Kenneth Copeland Ministries and from other authors but then adapted it to African culture (2004:140-160). Palacios mentions that one of the laws of prosperity is \u2018sowing and reaping\u2019; to achieve something one has to sow the seed.145 This sowing will make something of the same type grow. He emphasizes the fact that \u2018if we want to harvest money, we should \u2018sow\u2019 or give money where it is used in the benefit of someone in need as it is only a question of time and patience\u2019 (Aleluya News a\u00F1o 4 no. 27: 36). The central idea is to \u2018give\u2019 in order to \u2018receive\u2019.\u000AThe response of the NPL reflects this emphasis and the rationalization that justifies it. A housewife noted that \u2018tithing and offering opens the door so that the economy can be healed and blessed\u2019. The emphasis is to give in order to receive. Then she added, \u2018I have proved it in my personal experience. I have no debts and my basic economy is supplied\u2019 (L4IFG). Another informant shows the strong influence of some promoters of about Gospel of prosperity. He underlines, \u2018I have seen that the bible speaks more often of business than love. Therefore I depend on God\u2019s promises and work as if for God and so the tithes from my business go to the church and I also provide training for my employees and treat them well\u2019 (L3ESH).\u000AProsperity theology reaches its maximum expression with the so called alliances with God. Some Neo-Pentecostal pastors have made these alliances the central theme of their preaching. The church members use this as a form of trade. Tithing or offering commits God to give back one hundred per cent. Another important teaching among them\u000A145 He writes his ideas, principles and financial strategies in the \u2018Aleluya News\u2019 a Neo-Pentecostal magazine and as a column writer of the, Prensa Libre, one of the most influential newspapers in Guatemala. Although he writes for all the public, his audience comes from the middle and high classes.\u000A 315\u000A