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P. 372

6. How is the relationship between the pastor(s) and the members of your church?\u000AVery close 1 Average 2 Weak 3 There is no relationship 4\u000A7 Do you contribute financially to your church?\u000AYes 1\u000ANo 2\u000A8. How do you contribute financially to your church?\u000AMonthly 1\u000A9.\u000A10.\u000ASingle offerings 2 Sunday\u2019s offering 3 Other ways__________________________ 4\u000AWhy do you go to your actual church?\u000ABecause I feel comfortable there 1 Because I know the people 2 Because they allow me to participate 3 All of the above 4\u000AWhat opinion do you have about other Christian churches, especially the Catholic?\u000AI don\u2019t know about them 1 I don\u2019t have any contact with them 2 I assist when I\u2019m invited 3 We must not relate to the Catholic Church as an institution 4 Other reasons_____________________________________ 5\u000AIII. VISION OF SOCIETY\u000A11. Do you believe that the Bible relates to all areas of human life?\u000AYes 1\u000AMaybe 2 I do not know 3 To all of them 4 It has to do only with spiritual things 5\u000A12. Should the church as an institution contribute to solving the problems of education, health and environment, among others?\u000AIt should do it for everyone 1 It should do it for their members only 2 It shouldn\u2019t because it\u2019s not part of its mission 3 It\u2019s the government\u2019s responsibility 4\u000A13. Does your church have aid projects (education, health, among others)?\u000AYes 1 No 2 I don\u2019t know 3 It doesn\u2019t have, but I think it should 4\u000A14. If your church has a project, describe what type? _________________________________________________________________\u000A15. Are you involved in your church\u2019s projects?\u000AYes 1\u000ASometimes 2 I don\u2019t know about them 3 I\u2019m not involved 4\u000A359\u000A

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