Page 374 - tesis
P. 374

26. In your opinion the poverty that affects the country is a result of: Lack of initiative and laziness of the people\u000AUnemployment Economic inequality Consequence of sin All of the above\u000A27. Do you believe that Christians can make the government keep their obligations Yes\u000AMaybe Sometimes Definitely not\u000A1 2 3 4 5\u000Ato serve the population? 1\u000A2\u000A3\u000A4\u000A28. Do you consider that Christians should participate in public manifestations in favour of the population? Yes 1\u000AYes, but with some exceptions 2 Never 3\u000A29. If you were nominated for director of a parent, worker, or teacher committee, or any other position, would you accept to be selected?\u000AYes 1 Maybe 2 I don\u2019t know 3 I don\u2019t think this issues concern me 4\u000A30. Do you consider that the church can contribute to solving the problems such as poverty, violence, corruption, among others?\u000AYes 1 Maybe 2 Sometimes 3 It shouldn\u2019t get involved in these issues 4\u000AV. CULTURAL VISION\u000A31. Do you think the Bible has something to say to Guatemalan culture or any other? Yes 1 No 2 I don\u2019t know 3\u000A32. According to your opinion, the culture and indigenous communities contribute to the development of the country?\u000AYes 1 Maybe 2 I don\u2019t know 3\u000ANo 4\u000A33. Role of women: according to your point of view women should:\u000ADedicate to husband and to house chores 1\u000AHelp at home and practise a profession 2 Work and help at church 3 All of the above are valid answers 4\u000A34. Do you consider that Christians should get involved with science, technology, art? Yes 1 Maybe 2\u000AI don\u2019t know 3 Definitely not 4\u000A361\u000A

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