Page 376 - tesis
P. 376
45. According to your personal experience, your conversion to Christianity has to do with:\u000AA change in my relationship with God and my neighbour 1 Acquiring values to face life in a better way 2 A change in spiritual and economic life 3 All of the above 4\u000A46. Do the family groups of your church participate in any activity organized by the neighbourhood? Yes 1 Sometimes 2\u000AI don\u2019t know 3 Definitely not 4\u000A47. How do you think Christians can promote positive changes in the country?\u000AThrough spiritual war prayer 1\u000AThrough spreading the gospel 2 Through members of the church involved in different fields of society 3 I agree with the ideas above 4\u000A48. Do you believe that prayer is the only way to change the country?\u000AYes 1\u000AI don\u2019t agree 2 Yes, but it is also necessary to present proposals to solve the problems 3\u000A\uF02A Research done with the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) Israel Ortiz, Guatemala, May 2002\u000A363\u000A