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C. Survey for Neo-Pentecostal entrepreneurs and professionals\u000AINSTRUCTIONS\u000APlease fill in the following form according to the questions in the respective blocks. Mark only one of the options presented and respond to the question in the space provided. Many thanks for your valuable assistance.\u000AI. PERSONAL DATA OF THE PERSON INTERVIEWED\u000A   Age__________\u000ASex: Masculine 1 Feminine 2\u000ACivil State: Single 1 Together 2 Married 3 Divorced 4 Widowed 5\u000AChurch_____________________________________________________________________\u000AEducation Level: Primary 1 Secondary 2 University 3 Post grad 4\u000AIncome Level (Equivalent in American dollars): From $13-$133 1 $133-$395 2 From $396-$658 3 $659-$1316 4 Above % $1317 5\u000ADo you own your business?: Yes 1 No 2 Date of Interview____________\u000A II. QUESTIONS\u000A1. Were you converted to the Christian faith (accepted Jesus Christ) in your present church? Yes 1\u000ANo 2\u000A2. What is your occupation\u000ABusinessman 1\u000AMilitary 2 Public functionary 3 Professional 4 Other ____________________________________ 5\u000A2.1 Where do you work?______________________________________________________________ 2.2 What position do you occupy? ______________________________________________________ 2.3 When did you start?_______________________________________________________________\u000A3. If you are a businessman\u000A3.1. Do you own the business? Yes 1\u000ANo 2\u000A3.2. What kind of business is it? ________________________________________________________\u000A3.3 When did you start it?\u000A364\u000A

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