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35. Do you read any non-Christian literature?\u000AYes 1 Sometimes 2 No 3 I read Christian books only 4\u000A36. Do you participate in cultural activities promoted by the government, your neighbourhood or school? Yes 1\u000ASometimes 2\u000AChristians shouldn\u2019t waste their time in these activities 3\u000ADefinitely not 4\u000AVI. PARTICIPATION IN FAMILY GROUPS\u000A37. Does your church have family groups?\u000AYes 1\u000ANo 2\u000A38. Do you attend any of these family groups?\u000AYes 1\u000ASometimes 2 Seldom 3 I don\u2019t attend any 4\u000A39. What is the main objective of these groups according to what you know?\u000AThe growth of the church 1 The study of the Bible 2 Provide spiritual and material aid to the members of the group 3 Bring other people to the knowledge of Christ 4 All of the above 5\u000A40. Are these groups open to everyone?\u000AYes 1 I don\u2019t know 2 They\u2019re just for Christians 3 No 4\u000A41. Do these groups provide help in terms of clothing, food, medicines, or job search to any of their members?\u000AYes 1 Sometimes 2 Seldom 3 No 4\u000A42. Does the church and family group\u2019s teaching help you in your search of social and economic welfare? Yes 1\u000ASometimes 2\u000ASeldom 3\u000AThey don\u2019t relate to economic issues 4\u000A43. Does the church or do the family groups provide any kind of marriage counselling to their members? Yes 1\u000ASometimes 2\u000ASeldom 3\u000ANone of the church\u2019s or family group\u2019s business 4\u000A44. What draws you to the family groups\u2019 meetings?\u000AThe feeling of belonging to a group 1 The values to face life with learnt through the teachings 2\u000AHelp provided to people in need 3 All of the above 4 Any other reason________________________________ 5\u000A362\u000A

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