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P. 373

16. If your answer is no, why aren\u2019t you involved?\u000AIt\u2019s not a Christian responsibility 1\u000AMaterial things are temporary 2 The mission of the church is to evangelize 3 I don\u2019t participate, because I don\u2019t know how to 4\u000A17. Do you consider that being a teacher, a doctor or a politician is equally important than being a pastor? Yes 1\u000AMaybe 2 Definitely not 3 Every profession should be at the service of God 4\u000A18. Do you believe that Christians should participate in committees to improve their community? Yes 1\u000AMaybe 2 I don\u2019t know 3 Definitely not 4\u000A19. Do you participate in a committee to develop and improve the quality of life of the population? Yes 1\u000ASometimes 2 I have never participated 3 I don\u2019t participate, but I\u2019m willing to serve 4\u000A20. Should Christians be worried about the issues of society if Christ is coming again soon? Yes 1\u000AMaybe 2 I don\u2019t know 3 Definitely not 4\u000AIV. POLITICAL VISION\u000A21. Do you think that political participation is part of the Christian responsibility? Yes 1 Maybe 2\u000AI don\u2019t know 3\u000ANo 4\u000A22. Have you voted in the Guatemalan General Elections?\u000AAlways 1\u000ASometimes 2 Never 3 I don\u2019t think voting is important 4\u000A23. \u00BFDo you consider that Christians should establish their own political parties and affiliate to them? Yes 1\u000AMaybe 2 I don\u2019t know 3 Definitely not 4\u000A24. If a member of your church or other Christian church was running for president, would you vote for him/her?\u000AYes\u000AIt depends of their government programme Yes, because he/she is Christian\u000AI wouldn\u2019t vote for him/her\u000A25. Do you consider that the government is responsible for the poverty in Yes\u000AMaybe\u000AI don\u2019t know Definitely not\u000A1 2 3 4\u000Athe country? 1\u000A2\u000A3\u000A4\u000A360\u000A

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